This week on the CWC podcast, I provide an explant update and reflect on the changes I’ve experienced not only in the fifteen months since I had the surgery, but also from the start of my fitness journey and what I now recognize as the onset of BII. While working out solved most of the issues that led me to binging on food and alcohol, and kept me in a cycle of self-loathing, it couldn’t do anything to mask the symptoms of BII. After posting about my decision to explant in 2020, hundreds of women took to my dms comparing their symptoms to mine and I knew that this could be the culprit to all of my issues. Since explanting 15 months ago, 99% of my symptoms are completely gone, and I feel a zest for life again. I want to share what I know with women with implants and offer my help to anyone who thinks they may be suffering from BII.