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Important info/Disclaimer

The services provided by Community with Caroline, LLC (the “program”) is intended for healthy adults, intending on optimizing their well-being. While the program uses nutrition, meal planning, and exercise to support wellbeing goals, it is NOT to be construed as medical nutritional treatment or a prescribed diet. The intention of your personal meal plan is to present commonly known and accepted nutritional information in an accessible way to support a healthy lifestyle.

No coaching received by Community with Caroline, LLC, or any representatives thereof should be construed as medical advice. The program is not designed to diagnose, treat, or cure any illness or medical condition. Community with Caroline, LLC does not base meal plans on biochemical, physical or dietary data. Consult your doctor before beginning any meal plan or exercise.

In order to participate on our services and program, you must be aware of your own health and physical condition. You aknowledge that your participation in any exercise or meal plan program may be injurious to your health, if you have not consulted with and followed your doctor’s recommendations on such activities. You are voluntarily participating in a physical activity as well as following a meal plan written by Community with Caroline, LLC.

I release, any Community with Caroline, LLC and any representatives, agents, and successors from liability for accidental injury or illness, which I may incur as a result of participating in the said physical activity or meal plan. I assume all risks connected with this program and consent to participate, but agree to immediately cease participation if advised to do so by my physician.

I agree to disclose any physical limitations, disabilities, ailments, illnesses, or impairments, which may affect by ability to participate in said fitness program with Community with Caroline, LLC.

No refunds will be issued for term commitments paid in full.

All memberships recur automatically unless cancellation by email is submitted with 30 day notice.

If membership is terminated before the contract is fulfilled, a cancellation fee will apply.