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Panda Express

*You girls may have ANY of these options, for any meal at any time of day!


Cup or bowl of Hot and Sour Soup, ADD a side of chicken to it! (You may also have a chicken pot sticker with it.)


Grilled Teriyaki chicken with one SMALL scoop of white/brown rice


Grilled Asian chicken with one SMALL scoop of white/brown rice


Teriyaki chicken with one SMALL scoop of white/brown rice


Asian chicken with one SMALL scoop of white/brown rice


Mushroom chicken with one SMALL scoop of white/brown rice EXTRA CHICKEN


Potato chicken with one SMALL scoop of white/brown rice EXTRA CHICKEN


String bean chicken breast with one SMALL scoop of white/brown rice


Broccoli beef with one SMALL scoop of white/brown rice EXTRA BEEF


Steamed ginger fish with one SMALL scoop of white/brown rice